Halloween is a time for scares, excitement and fun. Checkout these Halloween fun facts for creepy information on Halloween related topics and to learn more about this spooky holiday. It’s the time of the year when the dead roam the earth, children roam the streets, candy flows like water, and Halloween facts are available for all. Below are Halloween history facts, fun facts, and Halloween movie facts about the film with Michael Myers.
Halloween Fun Facts
→ Halloween History Facts: The first jack-o-lanterns were made from turnips.
→ Halloween Facts: The largest pumpkin ever grown continues to get bigger year after year! In October 2016 German grower Mathia Willemijn set the record with an enormous 2,624.6 pounds of pumpkin.
→ Halloween Fun Facts: Seeing a spider on Halloween night can mean the spirit of a loved one who has passed is watching over you.
→ Halloween History Facts: Ireland is believed to be the birthplace of Halloween.
→ Halloween History Facts: In the past, groups of adults in Ireland would go door-to-door and offer a song or dance in exchange for food and drinks.
→ Halloween Fun Facts: It’s unlikely you have Samhainophobia if you are browsing this website. It means having an intense fear of Halloween.
→ Halloween Facts: The most popular children’s costume for 2017 was Super Hero/ Action Hero.

→ Halloween Movie Facts: Michael Myers’ mask in the Halloween movies is a William Shatner mask painted white. It was purchased due to the low costume budget.
→ Halloween Facts: Halloween is the second most popular holiday, with commercial sales coming in second only to Christmas.
→ Halloween Facts: Stephen Clarke holds the record for fastest time to carve a pumpkin with a complete face. He did it on Halloween 2013 in 16.47 seconds on PIX 11 Morning News in New York on 31.
Halloween Facts
→ Halloween Fun Facts: The famous magician Harry Houdini died on Halloween night in 1926.
→ Halloween Fun: You can now buy reusable fire logs that look like real human skulls.
→ Halloween Fun Facts: A witches supernatural pet is often called a Familiar.
→ Halloween Fun Facts: The Village Halloween Parade in New York City is the nations largest public Halloween celebration and gets over 2 million people attending.
→ Halloween History Facts: The first evidence we have of “Trick or Treat” in print is from the Blackie, Alberta Canada Herald in the November 4, 1927 edition.
→ Halloween Facts: Orange and Black are classic colors signifying Halloween. Black which is often associated with death and darkness is a reminder that Halloween once celebrated the connection between the living and the dead.
Orange is the color of fire in the night. It signifies warmth, the changing of seasons and the fall harvest. Go here for our Halloween symbolism page.
→ Halloween Fun Facts: On September 25, 2010 the largest pumpkin pie ever made came in at 3,699 pounds at the New Bremen Pumpkinfest in New Bremen, Ohio. Check out the Guinness Record here.
→ Halloween Facts: In 2017, the most popular type of Halloween costume was “Scary” at 24.4% with Sexy coming in second at 20.3%

→ Halloween Fun: Do you know any werewolves? Look out for someone who spends time in the woods, gets anxious when a full moon approaches, avoids silver, has excessive body hair, may have a unibrow, a long ring finger and golden brown or yellow eyes. These were all believed to be traits of a werewolf at some time in history.
More Fun Facts
→ Halloween Fact: Shakespeare’s Macbeth has three witches that are also known as The Weird Sisters. Their characters are similar to the three fates in Greek mythology.
→ Halloween Movie Facts: The 1978 film Halloween was shot over 21 days with a budget of around $320,000.
→ Halloween History Facts Sugar rationing during World War II nearly put an end to trick-or-treating. After rationing came to an end in 1947, comic strips help bring back the festivities by featuring trick-or-treating cartoons.

→ Halloween Fun Facts: Every year on October 30th is National Candy Corn Day in the United States
→ Halloween Movie Facts: Famous scream queen Janet Leigh, who is also the mother of Jamie Lee Curtis said the line “It’s Halloween. I guess everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” in the movie Halloween H20?
→ Halloween Movie Facts: Famous actress duo Janet Leigh and Jamie Lee Curtis appeared in Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later and The Fog together.
→ Halloween Movie Facts: Along with being an actress, Janet Leigh is also a writer. She has written four books: a memoir which became a New York Times Bestseller, two fiction novels, and a nonfiction book called Psycho: Behind the Scenes of the Classic Thriller.
→ Halloween Fun Facts: Jelly Belly has been making candy corn longer than anyone else. They began in their Ohio factory around 1900.
→ Halloween History Facts: During Samhain rituals, druids would throw crops and the bones of animals into the sacred fires as offerings. This is where the term bonfires comes from. (Bone-fires)
→ Halloween Facts: On October 19, 2013 the City of Keene, New Hampshire put 30,581 lit jack-o-lanterns on display at once and took the world record.
Want More Halloween Facts?
→ Halloween History Facts: Barmbrack Bread is the center of a fun Irish Halloween tradition. You can still find Barmbrack Bread recipes online today.
→ Halloween Facts: As of 2017 around 16% of Americans are dressing their pets in Halloween costumes.

→ Halloween Movie Facts: The 1978 horror film Halloween was shot in Pasadena, California.
→ Halloween Fun Facts: Around 90% of parents admit to sneaking candies from the kids trick-or-treat bags.
→ Halloween Facts: Fears about strangers putting objects or poison in candies are unfounded. Most cases of Halloween candy tampering have been found to be done by family members or friends pulling Halloween pranks.
→ Halloween Facts: There are currently vampire societies, alliances and clubs with members who identify as real vampires. Vampires can organize in social communities and no longer have to exist in solitary.
→ Halloween Facts: Modern day “real life vampires” are often called sanguinarians. Voluntary blood donors are sometimes called black swans.
→ Halloween Fun Facts: The original 3 Musketeers Bar actually had three separate candy pieces in one package. There were chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavor candies.
→ Halloween History Facts: Historically, Halloween is linked to both the Catholic holiday All Saint’s Day and the Celtic Festival of Samhain.
Even More Halloween Fun Facts
→ Halloween History Facts: The first U.S. community wide celebration of Halloween took place in Anoka, Minnesota beginning in 1920. Anoka still celebrates Halloween as a community today.
→ Halloween Facts: Anoka, Minnesota is the self-proclaimed Halloween capital of the world. You can check it out at http://anokahalloween.com.
→ Halloween Facts: In Alabama, it is a misdemeanor to dress up as a priest, nun or other clergy. However, this law is not about dressing up for Halloween or punishing trick-or-treaters! Alabama’s intent is to protect its more vulnerable citizens from “grifting”, flim-flam and fraud. Punishment can be a fine up to $500, imprisonment up to a year in jail or both. (Section 13A-14-4)
→ Halloween History Facts: Candy Corn was originally made in the 1880’s and called Chicken Feed.

→ Halloween Fun Facts: A ghoul is actually an evil spirit who robs graves and feeds on the human corpses. It can also be slang for a person with a morbid fascination for the dead.
→ Halloween Facts: Citizens of Walnut, California must apply for a permit from the sheriff before wearing a mask or disguise on a public street this Halloween. (Code 1959, 4237.2)
→ Halloween Facts: The moon is rarely full on Halloween, only once every 18 – 19 years. The last full moon on Halloween was in 2001 and the next one will be in 2020!
→ Halloween Fun Facts: America’s favorite candy varies depending on which state you live in.
→ Halloween Fun Facts: Want an alternative to trick-or-treating? Over the last twenty years trunk-or-treating has become a Halloween alternative that families can participate in. Why choose just one?
→ Halloween Fun Facts: A gathering of witches is called a coven.